January 4, 2011
Life is a mirror. The quality of your life is a reflection of how you’re playing the game, how much value you place on yourself.
Purpose of the Financial Leadership Program:
- to develop the mindset of a master with regards to wealth.
- to challenge your existing assumptions of wealth and money and to identify exactly how your existing strategies are limiting you.
- to adopt the values and beliefs of the world’s wealthiest leaders – Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah, Bill Gates, George Lucas, and Aussies Richard Pratt and Kerry Packer.
- develop new strategies, and a plan of action to develop wealth in all areas of your life.
Please note that only a qualified financial adviser can provide advice on your personal financial strategy. This coaching works on your mindset, and we will encourage you to do targeted research prior to investing including seeking the advice of the right specialists as necessary.
Your coach will a variety of coaching strategies, including neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnosis in order to re-wire your brain functioning to support lasting behavioral change.
Our shared commitment: 3 months of weekly personalised coaching delivered by phone or Skype, as follows:
* 1 introductory session (1 hour)
* 10 x weekly coaching sessions (30 mins)
* 1 forward success planning session (1 hour)
There will be an expectation that you complete at least 3 hours of personal work per week between sessions in order to gain the maximum result from the program. Make this commitment to your personal financial development and you will transform your outlook!
Once you are a client, you will have unlimited coaching email access
both during the program and beyond.
Click on “Contact Us” at the top of the page and let us know when you’re ready to get started or for more details.
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