Team performance and group dynamics are influenced by many factors, such as the larger context in which the team operates, the organisation, the team identity itself, and the mix of individuals within the team.

We offer a complete team performance solution that includes facilitated workshops, leadership coaching, accountability groups and/or tailored systems and tools to monitor and measure key success factors that the team identifies, and celebrate success.

We support teams to honestly examine the following deceptively simple factors:IP Team Performance SolutionTeam performance and dynamics: defining the essentials for team success

Leaders are critical to team success

Leveraging from research from the University of Melbourne, we show leaders the 3 core beliefs and 5 behavioural strengths of a high performing team (HPT), and guide them through the simple, practical system to improve team dynamics from recruitment of the right team members, through to onboarding, performance development and management, sharing team progress and celebrating successes.  This typically involves supporting the leaders working together as a focused team and individually, through coaching, to help them with the mindset and skills to implement the HPT system.

What’s personality got to do with it?

Within this mix of influences are the individual team members who likely have specific kinds of work to perform and specific roles on the team. Individual members influence the team dynamics as well, so much so that when the composition of the team changes, the team dynamics will change.  Team members are individuals first, and they each bring different talents, perspectives, values, and experiences to the work of the team. The more self-awareness each team member has, the more actively he or she can contribute. The more each team member knows about the other team members, the better they can tap into the talents and experiences of others for better team performance.

This essentially involves the key aspects of relationships and communication. Individuals of different personality types are unique in the ways they build relationships and deal with conflict. When we try to forge better relationships, we can easily do something that undermines the relationship instead of improving it if we don’t take these differences into account. Personality differences show up in how we tend to communicate as well as how we like to be communicated with.

Effective teamwork starts with understanding ourselves and ways we are different from others. When we know our own value to the team, we are in a better position to value and capitalise on the contributions of those who are different from us. We are also better able to think in terms of the team as a unit, instead of only our own interests-to move from “I” to “we.”

Using one of a range of personality preference tools, we help teams to understand personality and how it affects our communication within a team.  We work with teams to explore how each personality is likely to behave and how to harnass the strengths of each other so as to contribute to greater team cohesion and productivity.


If you would like to know more about our team performance services contact Natalie today on 0417 916 415 or email us.

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