October 21, 2015
Unspoken conflict is like poison for your business – it turns away potential customers and erodes employee morale. Consider the consequences and take action!
October 5, 2011
Empowerment may have been intellectually supported by managers for the last 20 years – but if it’s such a great idea why is it so hard to actually achieve? Professor Srikanth Datar from Harvard Business School shed some light on the topic in Perth recently.
May 10, 2011
If you’ve ever wondered what you can to to influence the mindset of a CEO towards change, perhaps my recent experience will be of some assistance…..
January 29, 2011
If people are an organisation’s best asset, then you want to recruit the best people. Yet many leaders don’t know where to start or limit their team’s potential by recruiting “safe” people they can manage, rather than A+ players who will love the challenge of moving the whole team forward. This article contains 7 ideas for hiring a scarily successful team.
January 9, 2011
Have you ever wondered in frustration what the magic bullet is that will bond your employees to their work? Tried incentive schemes and team building activitie sto no avail? It might be time to have a critical look at your leaders….
January 4, 2011
Build a corporate culture that correlates to the level of performance you want your company to achieve. Research shows that a strong culture statistiaclly indicates that the company will be financially strong. Read about the four traits of strong corporate culture.